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Compressed Air: Industry's Fourth Utility
Compressed air is an essential utility in virtually all industrial settings. Compressed air is a safe and convenient power source for everything from basic handheld tools to sophisticated plant automation. In addition, compressed air is often utilized as a process medium, whether serving as a feed stock for nitrogen generation, conveying bulk materials, or propelling abrasive grit.

Yet unlike other utilities – water, electricity, natural gas –
the consumer of compressed air is responsible for its supply and quality. Unfortunately, every air system is subject to contamination. Contaminants take the form of particulates, oil, and water. Particulates come from corroding pipes, desiccant dust, and dirt. Lubricated compressors introduce oil into air systems. Water, the most troublesome contaminant, enters air systems as vapor through the compressor intake. As cooling occurs downstream of a compressor, vapor condenses into harmful liquid water. Air system contamination can lead to down time, product spoilage, and high maintenance costs.
Fortunately, Van Air Systems has the solution. With decades of experience and a wide product range, Van Air Systems delivers cool, clean, and dry compressed air.
Natural Gas: Clean and Abundant

Natural gas is a clean burning and increasingly abundant fuel. Yet when natural gas emerges from the ground it is saturated with water vapor. Water laden natural gas poses a variety of challenges for energy companies, from pipeline corrosion, to freezing, to poor combustion quality.
Van Air Systems produces a range of natural gas drying and filtering products, helping energy producers, processors, and transporters operate smoothly and trouble free.

Blast Pak
Portable Deliquescent Drying Package

The Blast Pak is as close to fool proof as an air dryer gets, with just one moving part (an air motor) and no power requirement. Just hook-up air lines and begin blasting. The Blast Pak is a completely portable single tower deliquescent drying package engineered specifically for blasting and painting contractors. The Blast Pak prevents clogged pots, over consumption of abrasive, flash rusting, and costly rework. Five models are available, from 250 to 1600 SCFM.
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